A spacesuit. It was actually used in missions, and is now kept at the California Science Center after restoration.

A used heat shield. That's what re-entry does to you. See the burn marks diverge away from a point? They're not diverging from the centre, which means that the module probably did not drop down with the shield perfectly perpendicular to the ground.

Thrusters of varying forces. The larger one exerts about 100 pounds of force. The tiniest one does exactly one pound. These are used for precise positioning of spacecraft.

Every man's dream vehicle - the Blackbird SR-71. This is a real plane, the only trainer ever built. For the uninitiated, this plane was built by Lockheed, is made almost completely of titanium, flies at Mach 3 at an altitude of ~29,000 m, and was used in reconnisance missions until its decommissioning in 1998. The best thing is it comes in black!